Gianni Conti is a global family run business producing a wide range of leather goods, such as handbags and backpacks. You can view our collection online and also in store.
Their Italian leather bags have become a staple in the classic bag market. First launched in the 1920s by Nicola Contigiani, the small business has since grown to an international entity now led by Elio and David Contigiani.
Their bags have become an essential accessory for style, class and craftsmanship. The superior-quality products have helped make a name for themselves.
All their bags are made using only the finest materials. The leather is processed in Italy, with products that respect the new environmental regulations. Every leather is unique: wrinkles, folds, slight differences in colour.
We first found out about the company from a recommendation and since then have stocked their bags for a number of seasons. This autumn we have a widest collection yet, all available online.
Continuous research and innovation helps keep the brand on track for the latest trends. They have a strong relationship with retailers and suppliers combined with the consumer loyalty to their creations, are the key points that continue to expand the market.
Discover our range of bags in store or browse the collection online with free shipping.