About Secrid

About Secrid

The pioneering dutch company behind the iconic, sustainable small wallet

Dutch company Secrid have been making iconic wallets since 1995. What started out over 15 years ago as a venture to create a small wallet that answered the needs of the changing times, has turned into a story of superior quality, success and sustainability.


Proudly made in Holland to this day

Secrid’s founders, Marianne van Sasse van Ysselt and René van Geer, were actually running a design agency when they first came up with the idea of a small wallet. 

At the time (we’re talking 1990s) the content of people’s pockets was changing. As electronic payment systems slowly became more mainstream, and cash made way for cards, minimalism was always going to be popular.

In 1997, the first ever Secrid wallet, the Secrid Bodycard was born.

Fast forward to today and Secrid Wallets are sold in over 5,000 selected stores worldwide — including (obviously) right here at!

Unlike many other organisations, Secrid didn’t turn their back on Holland in the late 2000s in favour of low-income countries. In fact, Secrid has worked hard over the years to establish close relationships with more than 50 suppliers, creating over 200 jobs in Holland in the process.

Sustainably produced with a focus on longevity

As well as their Dutch roots, Secrid are also extremely focussed on preserving the environment too. That’s why the company is doing everything it can to make Secrid wallets as sustainably as possible.

One of the ways Secrid do this is by producing their iconic small wallets 100% in Europe, mainly Holland. By reducing distances within their supply chain, Secrid minimise the impact their operations have on the environment.

Furthermore, in addition to maintaining excellent working conditions for all their staff, Secrid also only use the best and most ethically and environmentally friendly produced leather for their wallets.

Uncompromised quality

Secrid’s dedication to sustainability also means a much higher quality product for you, the consumer. That’s because as Secrid point out, we are living in a throwaway world where inferior products are manufactured and then discarded after they break.

This reality has an unnecessary detrimental impact on the environment because of the carbon footprints of all the companies involved in making these short lifespan products.

Secrid say the focus should be on creating “less but sustainably produced products that are made better generation after generation with a focus on longevity. Only this way we can turn the Industrial Revolution into Industrial Evolution”.

So the bottom line is you know when you buy a Secrid Wallet that no compromises have been made during its production, and that it will last you a lifetime.

The future is likely to be even more minimal

If there’s one thing that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has taught us, it’s that physical distancing can play an extremely important role when there is a virus outbreak. As a result, we are seeing more and more businesses turn to cashless transactions to reduce the spread.

Is cash likely to become a thing of the past? Doubtful. But cashless transactions are definitely here to stay and will only become more prevalent going forward.

So ask yourself, am I going to need that bulky, dirty wallet in the future? If you’re not and want to switch to a wallet that’s clean, crisp and allows you fast and easy access to your cards, opt for a Secrid.

[Related reading: 5 Reasons Why You Need A Secrid Wallet In Your Pocket]



Think a Secrid is what you’ve been looking for? Perhaps you’re after the perfect gift for that special someone? Either way, a Secrid wallet will more than foot the bill.

Browse our full range of Secrid wallets now and choose the one that meets your needs. Check out our amazing Trustpilot reviews and shop with complete confidence.

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